em busca de mim

Friday, September 28, 2007

tinha de se passar o tempo de alguma maneira...

decidimos ficar a jogar mímica de filmes...
permaneci calado a pensar o que jogariam os surdo-mudos.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

people always leave

yes, i'm one of those who never learn to stay...
and never know if i can learn it or even want...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

now, he said, giving me an orange, first tell me which hand you have got that in.
the right, I said. Now, he said, go and stand before that glass, and tell me which hand the little boy you see there has got it in. After some perplexed contemplation, I said, the left hand. exactly, he said, and how do you explain that? I couldn't explain it, but seeing that some solution was expected, I ventured, if I was on the other side of the glass, wouldn't the orange still be in my right hand?
I can remember his laugh... well done, little boy, he said. the best answer I've had yet.

Monday, September 10, 2007

BA 97 era esse o voo de London Heathrow a Hong Kong. Foi com um sorriso de surpresa e quase infantil que ele brindou quem o esperava. Um ano depois de Oxford. Depois de muita confusao e muitas historias, era do outro lado do mundo que se encontravam. Lembrava aquelas dramas tipicos de series de TV :P Tinham pouco tempo juntos como sempre... Ele estaria um ano por aqui. Eu estaria de regresso a outras paragens em duas semanas...

The honorary title - stay away ;)

Monday, September 03, 2007

Delusion Angel - David Jewell

Daydream delusion,
limousine eyelash,
oh, baby with your pretty face,
drop a tear in my wineglass,
look at those big eyes,
see what you mean to me,
sweet cakes and milkshakes,
I am a delusioned angel,
I am a fantasy parade,
I want you to know what I think,
don't want you to guess anymore,
you have no idea where I came from,
we have no idea where we're going,
launched in life,
like branches in the river,
flowing downstream,
caught in the current,
I'll carry you, you'll carry me,
that's how it could be,
don't you know me?
don't you know me by now?